Forest Modelling Lab.

Short-and long-term effects of management and climate change on Water Use Efficiency in a sub-Alpine beech forest
Saponaro V., Dalmonech D., Vangi E., Puchi P.F., Rezaie N., D'andrea E., Tomelleri E., Collalti A.
Modeling carbon and water fluxes in agro-pastoral systems under contrasting climates and different management practices
Leolini L., Costafreda-Aumedes S., Brilli L., Galvagno M., Bindi M., Argenti G., Cammarano D., Bellini E., Dibari C., Wohlfahrt G., Feigenwinter I., Dal Prà A., Dalmonech D., Collalti A., Cremonese E., Filippa G., Staglianò N., Moriondo M.
Evaluating the direct radiative forcing of a giant Saharan dust storm
Rizza U., Grasso F.M., Morichetti M., Tiesi A., Avolio E., Miglietta M.M.
Atmospheric Research;
Enhancing ecosystem service provision through the silvicultural management of European black pine stands from afforestation and reforestation
Vangi E., DSacchelli S., Nocentini S., Plutino M., Dalmonech D., Collalti A., Travaglini D., Corona P.
bioRxiv; - PDF - ResearchGate
Climate change impacts on forest elementome and adaptation in forest management
Hu Z., Yan P., Li B., Song X., Li J., Peñuelas J., Collalti A., Fernández-Martínez M.
Current Climate Change Reports; - PDF - ResearchGate
Mycorrhizal symbioses mediate global forest tree species diversity
Jiang F., Pu X., Schmid B., Reich P., ..., Collalti A., ..., Grieco E., ..., Fang J.
Science Advances Accepted
Climate warming alters nutrient constraints on CO2 fertilization in global forests
Du E., de Wries W., Collalti A., De Marco A.
Current Climate Change Reports; - PDF - ResearchGate
Assessing the combined effects of forest management and climate change on carbon and water fluxes in European beech forests
Saponaro V., De Càceres M., Dalmonech D., D'Andrea E., Vangi E., Collalti A.
Forest Ecosystems; - PDF - ResearchGate
Inconsistency between process-based model and dose-response function in estimating Biomass losses in Northern Hemisphere due to elevated O3
Environmental Pollution; - PDF - ResearchGate
Sorrentino B., Anav A., Calatayud V., Collalti A., Sicard P., Leca S., Fornasier F., Paoletti E., De Marco A.
Monitoring and Predicting Forest Growth and Dynamics (Book)
Collalti A., Dalmonech D., Vangi E., Marano G., Puchi P.F., Morichetti M., Saponaro V., Orrico, M.R., Grieco E.
CNR Edizioni; - PDF - ResearchGate - ISBN 978-88-8080-655-4
Modeling Forest Response to Climate Change (Book)
Dalmonech D., Marano G., Collalti A.
MDPI AG; - PDF - ResearchGate - ISBN 978-3-7258-1757-3
Emissions of climate-altering species from open vegetation fires in the Mediterranean region
Hundal R.A., Annadate S., Cesari R., Collalti A., Maione M., Cristofanelli P.
Science of the Total Environment; - PDF - ResearchGate
Modeling forest growth under climate change (under review)
Boukhris I., Marano G., Dalmonech D., Valentini R., Collalti A.
ESS Open Archive; - PDF - ResearchGate
CHIMBO Air Quality Modeling System: Verification and Processes Analysis
Landi T.C.; Paglione M., Morichetti M., Grasso F.M., Roccato F., Cesari R., Drofa O.
Atmosphere; - PDF - ResearchGate
R3DFEM: an R package for running the 3D-CMCC-FEM model (under review)
Vangi E., Dalmonech D., Collalti A.
BioRxiv; PDF - ResearchGate
Impacts Of Deforestation And Land Use/Land Cover Change On Carbon Stock And Dynamics In The Jomoro District, Ghana
Grieco E., Vangi E., Chiti T., Collalti A.
Journal of Environmental Management; PDF -ResearchGate
Stand age diversity (and more than climate change) affects forests’ resilience and stability, although unevenly
Vangi E., Dalmonech D., Cioccolo E., Marano G., Bianchini L., Puchi P.F., Grieco E., Cescatti A., Colantoni A., Chirici G., Collalti A.
Journal of Environmental Management; - PDF - Researchgate
Modeling Forest Response to Climate Change
Marano G., Dalmonech D., Collalti A.
Forests; - PDF -ResearchGate
Evaluating the direct radiative forcing of a giant Saharan dust storm
Rizza U., Grasso F.M., Morichetti M., Tiesi A., Avolio E., de Tomasi F., Miglietta M.M.
Atmospheric Research;
Predicted Future Changes in the Mean Seasonal Carbon Cycle Due to Climate Change
Morichetti M., Vangi E., Collalti A.
Forests; - PDF - ResearchGate
Meteorological, chemical and biological evaluation of the coupled chemistry-climate WRF-Chem model from regional to urban scale. An impact-oriented application for human health
Anav A., Sorrentino B., Collalti A., Paoletti E., Sicard P., Coulibaly F., Manzini J., Hoshika Y., De Marco A.
Environmental Research; - PDF - ResearchGate
Stand Age and Climate Change Effects on Carbon Increments and Stock Dynamics
Vangi E., Dalmonech D., Morichetti M., Grieco E., Giannetti F., D'Amico G., Nakhavali M., Chirici G., Collalti A.
Forests; - PDF - ResearchGate
Different climate conditions drive variations in gross primary productivity and woody biomass accumulation in a temperate and a boreal conifer forest in Canada
Puchi P. F., Khomik M., Helgason W., Altaf Arain M., Castagneri D.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology;
Forest species mapping and area proportion estimation combining Sentinel-2 harmonic predictors and national forest inventory data
Francini S., Schelhaas M.-J., Vangi E., Lerink B.-J., Nabuurs G.-J., McRoberts R.E., Chirici G.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation;
A harmonized database of European forest simulations under climate change
Grünig M., Rammer W., Albrich A., Andrè F., Augustynczik A.L.D., Bohn F., Bowman M., Bugmann H., Collalti A., Cristal I., Dalmonech D., De Caceres M., De Coligny F., Dobor L., Dollinger C., Forrester D.I., Garcia-Gonzalo J., González J.R., Hiltner U., Hlásny T., Honkaniemi J., Huber N., Jonard M., Jönsson A.M., Lagergren F., Nieberg M., Mina M., Mohren F., Moos C., Morin X., Muys B., Peltoniemi M., Reyer C.P.O., Storms I., Thom D., Toigo M., Seidl R.
Data in Brief; - PDF - ResearchGate
Tree-Related Microhabitats and Multi-Taxon Biodiversity Quantification Exploiting ALS Data
Parisi F., D’Amico G., Vangi E., Chirici G., Francini S., Cocozza C., Giannetti F., Londi G., Nocentini S., Borghi C., Travaglini D.
Contrasting patterns of water use efficiency and annual radial growth among European beech forests along the Italian peninsula
Puchi P. F., Dalmonech D., Vangi, E., Battipaglia G., Tognetti R., Collalti A.
Scientific Reports; - PDF - ResearchGate
Deciduous forests use carbon more efficiently than evergreen forests
Luo X., Zhao H., Chu H., Collalti A., Fatichi S., Keenan T., Lu X., Nguyen N., Prentice I.C., Sun W., Yu L.
Research Square; - PDF - ResearchGate
TimberTracer: A Comprehensive Framework for the Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration by Forest Management and Substitution of Harvested Wood Products (under review)
Boukhris I., Collalti A., Lahssini S., Dalmonech D., Nakhle F., Testolin R., Chiriacò M.V., Santini M., Valentini R.
Regional estimates of gross primary production applying the Process-Based Model 3D-CMCC-FEM vs. Remote-Sensing multiple datasets
Dalmonech D., Vangi E.,Chiesi M., Chirici G., Fibbi L., Giannetti F., Marano G., Massari C., Nolè A., Xiao J., Collalti A.
European Journal of Remote Sensing; - PDF - ResearchGate
Validating GEDI tree canopy cover product across forest types using co-registered aerial LiDAR data
Li X., Li L., Ni W., Mu X., Wu X., Vaglio Laurin G., Vangi E., Stereńczak K., Chirici G., Yu S., Huan H.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing;
Robotics in Forest Inventories: SPOT’s First Steps
Chirici, G., Giannetti, F., D’Amico, G., Vangi, E., Francini, S., Borghi, C., Corona, P., Travaglini, D.
The Earth system model CLIMBER-X v1.0 – Part 2: The global carbon cycle
Willeit M., Ilyina T., Liu B., Heinze C., Perrette M., Heinemann M., Dalmonech D., Brovkin V., Munhoven G., Börker J., Hartmann J., Romero-Mujalli G., and Ganopolski A.
Geoscientific Model Development; - PDF
GPP and the predictability of CO2: more uncertainty in what we predict than how well we predict it
Dunkl I., Lovenduski N., Collalti A., Arora V. K., Ilyina T., and Brovkin V.
Biogeosciences; - PDF - ResearchGate
ForestClim – Bioclimatic variables for microclimate temperatures in European forests
Haesen S., Lembrechts J.J., De Frenne P., Lenoir J., Aalto J., Ashcroft M.B., Kopecky M., Luoto M., Maclean I., Nijs I., Niittynen P., van den Hoogen J., Arriga N., Brůna J., Buchman N., Čiliak M., Collalti A., De Lombaerde E., Descombes P., Gharun M., Goded I., Govaert S., Greiser C., Grelle A., Gruening C., Hederová L., Hylander K., Kreyling J., Kruijt B., Macek M., Máliš F., Man M., Manca G., Matula G., Meeussen C., Merinero S., Minerbi S., Montagnani L., Muffler M., Ogaya R., Penuelas J., Plichta R., Portillo-Estrada M., Schmeddes J., Shekhar A., Spicher F., Ujházyová M., Vangansbeke P., Weigel R., Wild J., Zellweger F., Van Meerbeek K.
Global Change Biology; - PDF - ResearchGate
Sentinel-2 time series analysis for monitoring multi-taxon biodiversity in mountain beech forests
Parisi F., Vangi E., Francini S., D’Amico G., Chirici G., Marchetti M., Lombardi F., Travaglini D., Ravera S., De Santis E., Tognetti R.
Calibrating a Process-Based Model to Enhance Robustness in Carbon Sequestration Simulations: The Case of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carrière
Boukhris I., Lahssini S., Collalti A., Moukrim S., Santini M., Chiti T., Valentini R.
Revealing how intra- and inter-annual variability of carbon uptake (GPP) affects wood cell biomass in an eastern white pine forest
Puchi P. F., KhomikM., Frigo D., Altaf Arain M., Fonti P., von Arx G., Castagneri D.
Environmental Research Letters;
Simulating diverse forest management in a changing climate on a Pinus nigra subsp. laricio plantation in Southern Italy
Testolin R., Dalmonech D., Marano G., Bagnara M., ..., Noce S., Collalti A.
Science of the Total Environment; - PDF - ResearchGate
3D-CMCC-FEM (Coupled Model Carbon Cycle). BioGeoChemical and Biophysical Forest Ecosystem - User’s Guide
Collalti A., Dalmonech D., Marano G., Vangi E., Puchi P., Grieco E., Orrico M.
CNR Edizioni; - PDF - ResearchGate
GEDI4R: an R package for NASA’s GEDI level 4 A data downloading, processing and visualization
Vangi E., D'Amico G., Francini S., Chirici G.
Wall-to-Wall Mapping of Forest Biomass and Wood Volume Increment in Italy
Giannetti F., Chirici G., Vangi E., Corona P., Maselli F., Chiesi M., D'Amico G., Puletti N.
Feasibility of enhancing carbon sequestration and stock capacity in temperate and boreal European forests via changes to management regimes
Dalmonech D., Marano G., Amthor J., Cescatti A., Lindner M., Trotta C., Collalti A.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology; - PDF - ResearchGate
Accuracy, realism and general applicability of European forest models
Mahnken M., Cailleret M., Collalti A., Trotta C., Biondo C., D'Andrea E., Dalmonech D., Marano G., Mäkelä A., Minunno F., Peltoniemi M., Trotsiuk V., Nadal-Sala D., Sabaté S., Vallet P., Aussenac R., Cameron D.R., Bohn F.J., Grote R., Augustynczik A.L.D., Yousefpour R., Huber N., Bugmann H., Merganikova K., Merganic J., Valent P., Lash-Born P., Hartig F., Vega del Valle I.D., Volkholz J., Gustch M., ..., Krejza J., Ibrom A., Meesenburg H., Rötzer T., van der Maaten-Theunissen M., van der Maaten E., Reyer C.P.O.
Global Change Biology; - PDF - ResearchGate
Strategic roadmap to assess forest vulnerability under air pollution and climate change
De Marco A., Sicard P., Feng Z., Aganthokleous E., Alonso R., Araminiene V., Augustatis A., Badea O., Beasley J.C., Branquinho C., Bruckman V.J., Collalti A., David-Schwartz R., Domingos M., Du E., Garcia-Gomez H., Hashimoto S., Hoshika Y., Jakovlievic T., McNulty S., Oksaena E., Khaniabadi Y.O., Prescher A.-K., Saitanis C.J., Sase H., Schmitz A., Voight G., Watanabe M., Wood M.D., Kozlov M.V., Paoletti E.
Global Change Biology; - PDF - ResearchGate
Ozone modelling and mapping for risk assessment: an overview of different approaches for human and ecosystems health
De Marco A., Garcia-Gomez H., Collalti A., Khaniabadi Y. O., Feng Z., Proietti C., Vitale M., Anav A., Paoletti E.
Environmental Research; - PDF - ResearchGate
Legislative and functional aspects of different metrics used for ozone risk assessment to forests
Anav A., De Marco A., Collalti A., Emberson L., Feng Z., Lombardozzi D., Sicard P., Verbeke T., Viovy N., Vitale M., Paoletti E.
Environmental Pollution; - PDF - ResearchGate
Simulating tree growth response to climate change in structurally-diverse oak and beech forests
De Wergifosse L., Andrè F., Goosse H., Boczon A., Cecchini S., Ciceu A., Collalti A., ..., Jonard M.
Science of the Total Environment; - PDF - ResearchGate
ForestTemp – sub-canopy microclimate temperatures of European forests
Haesen S., Lembrechts J.J., De Frenne P., Lenoir J., Aalto J., Ashcroft M.B., Kopecky M., Luoto M., Maclean I., Nijs I., Niittynen P., van den Hoogen J., Arriga N., Brůna J., Buchman N., Čiliak M., Collalti A., De Lombaerde E., Descombes P., Gharun M., Goded I., Govaert S., Greiser C., Grelle A., Gruening C., Hederová L., Hylander K., Kreyling J., Kruijt B., Macek M., Máliš F., Man M., Manca G., Matula G., Meeussen C., Merinero S., Minerbi S., Montagnani L., Muffler M., Ogaya R., Penuelas J., Plichta R., Portillo-Estrada M., Schmeddes J., Shekhar A., Spicher F., Ujházyová M., Vangansbeke P., Weigel R., Wild J., Zellweger F., Van Meerbeek K.
Global Change Biology; - PDF - ResearchGate
Rise and fall of vegetation primary production resilience to climate variability anticipated by a large ensemble of Earth System Models' simulations
Zampieri M., Grizzetti B., Toreti A., De Palma P., Collalti A.
Environmental Research Letter; - PDF - ResearchGate
Unravelling resilience mechanisms in forests: role of non-structural carbohydrates in responding to extreme weather events
D'Andrea E., Scartazza A., Battistelli A., Collalti A., Proietti S., Rezaie N., ..., Moscatello S.
Tree Physiology; - PDF - ResearchGate
Tackling unresolved questions in forest ecology: the past and future role of simulations models
Maréchaux I., Langerwisch F., Huth A., Bugmann H., Morin X., Reyer C.P.O., Seidl R., Collalti A., Dantas de Paula M., Fischer R., Gutsch M., Lexer M.J., Lischke H., Rammig A., Rödig E., Sakschewski B., Tauber F., Thonicke K., Vacchiano G., Bohn F.J.
Ecology and Evolution; - PDF - ResearchGate
Challenges and opportunities for enhancing food security and greenhouse gas mitigation in smallholder farming in sub-Saharan Africa. A review
Dong-Gill K., Grieco E., Bombelli A., Hickman J.E., Sanz-Cobena A.
Food security; - PDF - ResearchGate
Growth and Allocation of Woody Biomass in Forest Trees Based on Environmental Conditions
Collalti A., Todaro L., Rita A.
Forests; - PDF - ResearchGate
This is an Editorial belonging on the Forests Special Issue "Growth and Allocation of Woody Biomass in Forest Trees Based on Environmental Conditions"
Simulating the effects of thinning and species mixing on stands of oak (Quercus petrea (Matt.) Liebl. / Quercus robur L.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) across Europe
Engel M., Vospernik S., Toigo M., Morin X., Tomao A., Trotta C., Steckel M., Barbati A., Nothdurft A. Pretzsch H., del Rio M., Skrzyszewski J., Ponette Q., Lof M., Jansons A., Brazaitis G.
Ecological Modelling; - PDF - ResearchGate
Model-based Estimation of Amazonian Forests Recovery Time After Drought and Fire Events
Lopes de Faria B., Marano G., Piponiot C., Silva C.A., Dantas V.L., Rattis L., Rech A., Collalti A.
Forests; - PDF - ResearchGate
Forest production efficiency increases with growth temperature
A. Collalti, A. Ibrom, A. Stockmarr, A. Cescatti, R. Alkama, M. Fernández-Martínez, G. ...,Sitch, P. Friedlingstein, P. Ciais, D.S. Goll, J.E.M.S. Nabel, J. Pongratz, A. Arneth, V. Haverd, I.C. Prentice
Nature Communications; - PDF - ResearchGate
See also blog post in Nature Ecology and Evolution and at Prentice Lab. wordpress page
Frost and drought: effects of extreme weather events on stem carbon dynamics in a Mediterranean beech forest
D'Andrea E., Rezaie N., Prislan P., Gričar J, Collalti A., Muhr J., Matteucci G.
Plant, Cell & Environment; - PDF - ResearchGate
The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data
Pastorello G., Trotta C., Canfora E., Chu H., Christianson D., Cheah Y.-W., Poindexter C., Chen J., Elbashandy A., Humphrey M., Isaac P., Polidori D., Ribeca A., van Ingen C., Zhang L., Amiro B., Ammann C., Arain M.A., Ardo J., Arkebauer T., Arndt S.K., Arriga N., Aubinet M., Aurela M., Baldocchi D., Barr A., Beamesderfer E., Marchesini L.B., Bergeron O., Beringer J., Bernhofer C., Berveiller D., Billesbach D., Black T.A., Blanken P.D., Bohrer G., Boike J., Bolstad P.V., Bonal D., Bonnefond J.-M., Bowling D.R., Bracho R., Brodeur J., Brummer C., Buchmann N., Burban B., Burns S.P., Buysse P., Cale P., Cavagna M., Cellier P., Chen S., Chini I., Christensen T.R., Cleverly J., Collalti A., Consalvo C., Cook B.D., Cook D., Coursolle C., Cremonese E., Curtis P.S., D'Andrea E., da Rocha H., Dai X., Davis K.J., De Cinti B., de Grandcourt A., De Ligne A., De Oliveira R.C., Delpierre N., Desai A.R., Di Bella C.M., di Tommasi P., Dolman H., Domingo F., Dong G., Dore S., Duce P., Dufrene E., Dunn A., Dusek J., Eamus D., Eichelmann U., ElKhidir H.A.M., Eugster W., Ewenz C.M., Ewers B., Famulari D., Fares S., Feigenwinter I., Feitz A., Fensholt R., Filippa G., Fischer M., Frank J., Galvagno M., Gharun M., Gianelle D., Gielen B., Gioli B., Gitelson A., Goded I., Goeckede M., Goldstein A.H., Gough C.M., Goulden M.L., Graf A., Griebel A., Gruening C., Grunwald T., Hammerle A., Han S., Han X., Hansen B.U., Hanson C., Hatakka J., He Y., Hehn M., Heinesch B., Hinko-Najera N., Hortnagl L., Hutley L., Ibrom A., Ikawa H., Jackowicz-Korczynski M., Janous D., Jans W., Jassal R., Jiang S., Kato T., Khomik M., Klatt J., Knohl A., Knox S., Kobayashi H., Koerber G., Kolle O., Kosugi Y., Kotani A., Kowalski A., Kruijt B., Kurbatova J., Kutsch W.L., Kwon H., Launiainen S., Laurila T., Law B., Leuning R., Li Y., Liddell M., Limousin J.-M., Lion M., Liska A.J., Lohila A., Lopez-Ballesteros A., Lopez-Blanco E., Loubet B., Loustau D., Lucas-Moffat A., Luers J., Ma S., Macfarlane C., Magliulo V., Maier R., Mammarella I., Manca G., Marcolla B., Margolis H.A., Marras S., Massman W., Mastepanov M., Matamala R., Matthes J.H., Mazzenga F., McCaughey H., McHugh I., McMillan A.M.S., Merbold L., Meyer W., Meyers T., Miller S.D., Minerbi S., Moderow U., Monson R.K., Montagnani L., Moore C.E., Moors E., Moreaux V., Moureaux C., Munger J.W., Nakai T., Neirynck J., Nesic Z., Nicolini G., Noormets A., Northwood M., Nosetto M., Nouvellon Y., Novick K., Oechel W., Olesen J.E., Ourcival J.-M., Papuga S.A., Parmentier F.-J., Paul-Limoges E., Pavelka M., Peichl M., Pendall E., Phillips R.P., Pilegaard K., Pirk N., Posse G., Powell T., Prasse H., Prober S.M., Rambal S., Rannik U., Raz-Yaseef N., Reed D., de Dios V.R., Restrepo-Coupe N., Reverter B.R., Roland M., Sabbatini S., Sachs T., Saleska S.R., Sanchez-Canete E.P., Sanchez-Mejia Z.M., Schmid H.P., Schmidt M., Schneider K., Schrader F., Schroder I., Scott R.L., Sedlak P., Serrano-Ortiz P., Shao C., Shi P., Shironya I., Siebicke L., Sigut L., Silberstein R., Sirca C., Spano D., Steinbrecher R., Stevens R.M., Sturtevant C., Suyker A., Tagesson T., Takanashi S., Tang Y., Tapper N., Thom J., Tiedemann F., Tomassucci M., Tuovinen J.-P., Urbanski S., Valentini R., van der Molen M., van Gorsel E., van Huissteden K., Varlagin A., Verfaillie J., Vesala T., Vincke C., Vitale D., Vygodskaya N., Walker J.P., Walter-Shea E., Wang H., Weber R., Westermann S., Wille C., Wofsy S., Wohlfahrt G., Wolf S., Woodgate W., Li Y., Zampedri R., Zhang J., Zhou G., Zona D., Agarwal D., Biraud S., Torn M., Papale D.
Scientific Data; - PDF - ResearchGate
Reply to: Nutrient scarcity cannot cause mast seeding
Fernández-Martínez M., Sayol F., LaMontagne J.M., Bogdziewicz M., Collalti A., Hacket-Pain A., Vacchiano G., Espelta J.M., Peñuelas J., Janssens I.A.
Nature Plants; - PDF - ResearchGate
The PROFOUND database for evaluating vegetation models and simulating climate impacts on European forests
Reyer C.P.O., Silveyra Gonzalez R., Dolos K., Hartig F., Hauf Y., Noack M., Lasch-Born P., Rötzer T., Pretzsch H., Meesenburg H., Fleck S., Wagner M., Bolte A., Sanders T.G.M., Kolari P., Mäkelä A., Vesala T., Mammarella I., Pumpanen J., Collalti A., Trotta C., M., ..., D'Andrea E., Foltýnová L., KreJza J., Ibrom A., Pilegaard K., Loustau D., Bonnefond J.-M., Berbigier P., Picart D., Lafont S., Dietze M., Cameron D., Vieno M., Tian H., Palacios-Orueta A., Cicundez V., Recuero L., Wiese K., Büchner M., Lange S., Volkholz J., Kim H., Horemans J. A., Bohn F., Steinkamp J., Chikalanov A., Weedon G.P., Sheffield J., Babst F., Vega del Valle I., Suckow F., Martel S., Mahnken M., Gutsch M., Frieler K.
Earth System Science Data; - PDF - ResearchGate
“Models of tree and stand dynamics”: a differential journey through forest modelling
G. Marano, A. Collalti
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry; - PDF - ResearchGate
Preface: Climate Change Impact on Plant Ecology
M. Vitale, A. Collalti
Climate; - PDF - ResearchGate
This is a Preface presenting the Climate Special Issue "Climate Change Impact on Plant Ecology"
Plant respiration: Controlled by photosynthesis or biomass?
Collalti A., Tjoelker M.G., Hoch G., Mäkelä A., Guidolotti G., Heskel M., Petit G., Ryan M.G., Battipaglia G., ..., Prentice I.C.
Global Change Biology; - PDF - ResearchGate
See also post by CNR stampa J. 2020, cnr news
A Geospatial Decision Support System Tool for Supporting Integrated Forest Knowledge at the Landscape Scale
Marano G., Langella G., Basile A., Cona F., De Michele C., Manna P., Teobaldelli M., Saracino A., Terribile F
Forests; - PDF - ResearchGate
Forest carbon allocation modelling under climate change
Merganičová K., Merganič J., Lehtonen A., Vacchiano G., Ostrogović Sever M.Z., Augustynczik A.L.D., Grote R., Kyselová I., Mäkelä A., Yousefpour R., Krejza J., Collalti A., Reyer C.P.O.
Tree Physiology; - PDF - ResearchGate
Global Variability of Simulated and Observed Vegetation Growing Season
Peano D., Materia S., Collalti A., Alessandri A., Anav A., Bombelli A., Gualdi S.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences; - PDF - ResearchGate
Is NPP proportional to GPP? Waring's hypothesis twenty years on
Collalti A. and Prentice I.C.
Tree Physiology; - PDF - ResearchGate
See also review D. Baldocchi, F1000 Recommendation
See also review by J. Stinziano, Botany One
See also commentary by Landsberg et al. 2020, Tree Physiology
Nutrient scarcity as a selective pressure for mast seeding
Fernández-Martínez M., Pearse I., Sardans J., Sayol F., Keonig W.D., LaMontagne J.M., Bogdziewicz M., Collalti A., Hacket-Pain A., Vacchiano G., Espelta J.M., Peñuelas J., Janssens I.A.
Nature Plants; - PDF - ResearchGate
The sensitivity of the forest carbon budget shifts across processes along with stand development and climate change
Collalti A., Thornton P.E., Cescatti A., Rita A., Borghetti M., Nolé A., Trotta C., Ciais P., ...
Ecological Applications; - PDF - ResearchGate
Thinning can reduce losses in carbon use efficiency and carbon stocks in managed forests under warmer climate
Collalti A., Trotta C., Keenan T.F., Ibrom A., Bond-Lamberty B., Grote R., Vicca S., Reyer C.P.O., Migliavacca M., Veroustraete F., Anav A., Campioli M., Scoccimarro E., Sigut L., Grieco E., Cescatti A., ...
Journal of Advances in Modelling Earth System; - PDF - ResearchGate
See also post by PEFC news 2019 (Italian)
Reproducing reproduction: how to simulate mast seeding in Forest models
Vacchiano G., Ascoli D., Berzaghi F., Lucas-Borja M.E., Caignard T., Collalti A., Mairota P., Palanghianu C., Reyer C.P.O., Sanders T.A.M., Schermer E., Wohlgemuth T., Hacket-Pain A.
Ecological Modelling; - PDF - ResearchGate
The Role of Respiration in Estimation of Net Carbon Cycle: Coupling Soil Carbon Dynamics and Canopy Turnover in a Novel Version of 3D-CMCC Forest Ecosystem Model
Marconi S., Chiti T., Nolè A., Valentini R. and Collalti A.
Forests; - PDF - ResearchGate
Simulation, calibration and validation protocols for the model 3D-CMCC-CNR-FEM: a case study in the Bonis’ watershed (Calabria, Italy)
Collalti A., Biondo C., Buttafuoco G., Maesano M., Caloiero T., Lucà F., Pellicone G., Ricca N., Salvati R., Veltri A., ...
Forest@; - PDF - ResearchGate
Likelihood of changes in forest species suitability, distribution, and diversity under future climate: The case of Southern Europe