Forest Modelling Lab.

Elisa Grieco

Elisa Grieco is a technologist at CNR Institute of for Agriculture and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (CNR-ISAFOM). She works on administrative and scientific management of European projects and support for research, communication and dissemination of project results including planning of project activities through coordination actions of working groups within the project called HORIZON OptFor-EU "Optimizing forest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in europe". She has also worked at CNR Institute of BioEconomy on PPAT&RD project for strengthening communication to support research and technology transfer in agriculture and rural development in Senegal. She has a PhD in Forest Ecology and a degree in Forest and Environmental Science. She worked on H2020 projects: SEACRIFOG for supporting EU-Africa cooperation on research infrastructure for food security and GHG observations, she was part of the coordination office of ClimAfrica project and she was involved in Africa GHG project for deforestation assessment in tropical forests. She worked on CARBOAFRICA project for the installation of Eddy Covariance Flux Tower in the Ankasa Conservation Area (Ghana) where she also analysed carbon stock dynamics after deforestation and the impact of land use change in the region. She collaborates with the Forest Modelling Lab. Her expertise focuses on sustainable development, food security, land use change, forestry and climate change adaptation and mitigation.